Nadeesha Thewarapperuma

Marketing Analyst

Recent Articles

Rankings & Research

Intel’s Xeon +FPGA Chip Offers Custom-Based Solution

Intel will ship its first Xeon + Altera FPGA server chip in the first quarter of 2016. Once it is combined with Altera FPGA, Intel's Xeon CPU will offer a 20-times performance...
Thought Leadership

Taking Wearable Tech to the Sporting Arena

If you had any doubts about the market potential of wearable technology, think again; blogger Nadeesha Thewarapperuma writes about the newest in wearable technology and sports...
Supply Chain Technology

Excess Electronics and Space Debris

Blogger Nadeesha Thewarapperuma draws parallels between a new satellite designed to capture and destroy space debris and the need for buyers to eliminate excess inventory.