Through the integration of advanced technologies and automation, data-driven decision making is taking precedence for distributors in order to optimize inventory management and...
Understanding what makes a part most likely to become counterfeited starts with understanding the circumstances surrounding the counterfeit market—from e-waste to supply and demand...
Jim Banovich, CEO of Marsh Electronics, and Eric Fieck, Territory Sales Manager, join this episode to discuss the importance of understanding a customer’s needs in today’s supply...
Hear from SAP as they demonstrate the power of the Teamcenter PLM portfolio and its capacity to enhance collaboration within product and manufacturing engineering teams.
This white paper explores how product innovation is a key to building sustainable supply chains. It also touches on how system architecture supports sustainable innovation and...
Sustainability, from a product’s conception to its recycling, is baked into SAP’s enterprise software applications. Register for this whitepaper to learn more about how design...
Tyler Fussner, Managing Editor for Supply Chain Connect sits down with Luke LeSaffre, Chief Revenue Officer at Fusion Worldwide to discuss how Fusion helps its customers gain ...
Supply Chain Connect’s Salary & Career Trends Survey is broken out into five different sections: PART 1: Key Demographic Trends Impacting Purchasing Professionals, PART...