Conflict between USA and China

Trouble at the Trade-Tech Nexus

April 12, 2018
Trouble at the Trade-Tech Nexus

The escalating tension between the US and China over trade issues are roiling markets and introducing new risks for companies with global connections, which is just about everyone these days. Whether the two countries make good on their threats of an all-out trade war or step back from the brink and begin meaningful negotiations is uncertain. But the timing of the escalation of threats is not. A report issued by the US Trade Representative in March claiming evidence of foul play by China in gaining access to US technology set off the war of words. China’s hardline response has added fuel to the fire. At its core is the challenge China poses to America’s advantage in next-generation technology. In the balance are intellectual property rights to critical technologies with long-term implications for US companies and consumers.

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What You Will Learn

  • Why emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and 5G underpin the Trump Administration’s stance on trade with China.
  • The central role Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 is playing in the escalation of threats of tariffs between the US and China.
  • China’s goal for dominance in artificial intelligence, quantum computing and other next-generation technologies within the next decade.

Meet the Author

Bruce Rayner is a contributor to SourceToday.  For the past 30 years, he has been a keen observer of global business and technology trends with a focus on the electronics supply base and supply chain management. His experience includes staff editor at Harvard Business Review, Editorial Director of Electronics Business magazine and EBN, Director of Thought Leadership at IHS, and Vice President of Consulting and Market Research at Technology Forecasters.

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