As the curtain falls on a year of unprecedented disruption, Tradeshift asked several of its senior leaders to share their views on the key issues that will shape decision-making across global supply chains in 2021. Here are their top five predictions on the challenges organizations will need to address as they look to reshape supply chains and build long-term business resilience during the year ahead.
1. Kiss paper and manual processes goodbye. Lockdown restrictions revealed the challenges and inefficiencies which come from the antiquated, paper-based processes most buyer and supplier relationships relied on pre-COVID. Organizations that have not already digitized these processes will be placing this transition high on the priority list for 2021. “Digitizing the connection between buyers and sellers will play a key role in helping businesses build resilience to future shocks,” says Raphael Bres, chief product officer, “while also enabling more effective risk mapping and giving organizations greater flexibility to identify and onboard alternative suppliers should a key link in the chain come under pressure.”