Manhattan Associates released its latest version of warehouse management software, which helps companies smooth out order peaks and valleys, from large shipments down to individual purchases.
The Active Supply Chain Solution tools fill orders in a more streamlined manner, without having to send large batches of multiple orders to warehouses. The software also contains tools for businesses and distributors to orchestrate where workers are located in warehouses and what they have to do.
The new software tools will “help our customers take a massive step forward in increasing the velocity of their outbound operations,” said Brian Kinsella, vice president of product management at Manhattan, which also sells software tools for sales teams, in a statement.
Manhattan unveiled the product at its Momentum customer conference in Las Vegas, where it also tipped a subscription service for customers that want the latest updates to its management tools, with specific business extensions already built in. In addition, a new mobile app helps track shipments from small trucking companies.