Market Moves: Supply Chain - Mar 21st, 2024
Market Moves: Supply Chain | View online
March 21, 2024
From the Editor

Hello, and welcome back to Market Moves Supply Chain!

What is the latest in the supply chain space? In the U.S., investments are being made across the board, particularly at the local levels, into infrastructure, software and anti-counterfeiting technologies, and advanced technologies—especially artificial intelligence—in order to bolster and strengthen operations.

However, the U.S. also faces supply chain challenges and uncertainties. U.S. semiconductor manufacturing is limited by existing infrastructure—in particular, by the electrical grid. If it is to grow, how will the grid grow with it to support the significant demand increases? Compounding this growth dilemma, the CHIPS Act was announced with fanfare; now, those the Act was to support are wrapped in red tape. And how will the push toward zero emission vehicles impact the supply chain as the transportation sector faces looming regulatory change?

—Tyler Fussner


New training centers, upgraded facilities and expanded portfolios support investment in local supply chains.
Why companies use the software and the key benefits that it provides.
Gartner survey shows this technology will be in full use by 2028.

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The industry races to implement strategically applied technologies to secure supply chains.
Advanced semiconductor equipment requires 10 times more power. Our grid is not up to the task.

See your organization’s future success by having answers to what your customers want and need. Harness the power of data and insights as your crystal ball for making better decisions.

Is the industry being forced to push the zero-emission cart?
Announced with fanfare, semiconductor and EV battery plants are now stuck in red tape.